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Due to Covid-19, WINA 2020 will be on line


To all interested in the community:

Considering the wellbeing of our winners, visitors, exhibitors, media and international allies, we have been carefully monitoring the global situation presented by COVID 19 for several. Based on multiple consultations, we have made the most prudent decision to ensure the wellbeing and tranquility of this incredible independent community that we proudly represent worldwide each year.

Considering the risks, the WINA Festival organization has made the difficult decision to carry out the award ceremony completely online. In-person activities are suspended for this 2020 edition. With this decision, we join most event organizers around the world who have opted for preventative actions, by not gathering crowds, by conducting events online following the recommendations of authorities and global health entities.

We would like to take this opportunity to invite the global creative industry community  to contribute to efforts to prevent anxiety  by educating our communities  about COVID 19. While public health is a priority, so is economic health, which could be seriously affected by fear and misinformation.

We are responsible for communicating and transforming the message about COVID 19. As creatives, we were born with a gift for creativity that we encourage each of you to use to communicate messages of tranquility and optimism for this planet that, despite being affected by hundreds affected by viruses, wars and other problems, always gets ahead.

We appreciate your understanding and for being a part of the solution.


Chief Marketing Officer

WINA 2020

[:es]10 de marzo, 2020

A toda la comunidad interesada:

Por fuerza mayor, la organización WINA ha decidido realizar la ceremonia de premiación exclusivamente online a través de Facebook, Youtube y en portales propios y aliados. Las actividades presenciales quedan suspendidas para la presente edición, por la actual situación que vivimos los eventos internacionales por el tema del COVID-19. Nos sumamos a la decisión de la mayoría de eventos a nivel mundial de no congregar multitudes, en línea con las recomendaciones de autoridades y entidades a nivel global.

Aprovechamos para invitar a la industria creativa mundial a informar desde todos los frentes, para prevenir la zozobra educando en torno al COVID 19; si bien la salud pública es prioridad, también lo es la salud económica, que se podría ver seriamente afectada por el miedo y la desinformación.

Agradecemos la comprensión y el ser parte de la solución.



Chief Marketing Officer

WINA 2020


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