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Arturo Suarez: Juror WINA 2020

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DGC, CHEIL (Colombia)

Arturo Suárez has 14 years of experience as a publicist. He currently serves as the General Creative Director of Cheil Colombia, an agency he has been leading for 3 years, during which time he has managed to grow the company exponentially. The company has since won its first awards, including one Gold and three Silver medals in the 2019 WINA Awards, and was nominated as the independent agency of the year by FICE. 

He has worked with big brand names, such as Samsung, Renault, Nestlé, Kellogg’s and Coca-Cola, among others, and has received many awards at festivals such as the Cannes Lions, D&AD, LIA, EFFIE, FIAP, FIP, El Ojo de Iberoamérica, El Sol, Círculo de México, El Dorado y WINA.

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