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Danny de Nobrega: Juror WINA 2020

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Co-founder , KILMER & CRUISE (South Africa)

Danny is the co-founder of Kilmer & Cruise Advertising, the only African agency awarded at the 2019 WINA Festival. 

During his career he has worked across boutique, independent and multinational network agencies including 60 layers of cake, The Jupiter Drawing Room and Digitas Liquorice. He has produced award-winning campaigns for the likes of The Coca-Cola Company, Unilever, Heineken, Under Armour, ASICS and SAB.

Kilmer & Cruise was launched in 2015 and has since been awarded across a range of disciplines and was recently a finalist for small agency of the year. More importantly the agency prides itself on its creative work and the results it achieves for clients such as Hill’s Pet Nutrition and CompCare Medical Scheme. 

Danny is also an avid (read: terrible) home-brewer of beer and moderately-skilled vegetable grower.

[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container][:es]Co-founder , KILMER & CRUISE (South Africa)

Danny is the co-founder of Kilmer & Cruise Advertising, the only African agency awarded at the 2019 WINA Festival. 

During his career he has worked across boutique, independent and multinational network agencies including 60 layers of cake, The Jupiter Drawing Room and Digitas Liquorice. He has produced award-winning campaigns for the likes of The Coca-Cola Company, Unilever, Heineken, Under Armour, ASICS and SAB.

Kilmer & Cruise was launched in 2015 and has since been awarded across a range of disciplines and was recently a finalist for small agency of the year. More importantly the agency prides itself on its creative work and the results it achieves for clients such as Hill’s Pet Nutrition and CompCare Medical Scheme. 

Danny is also an avid (read: terrible) home-brewer of beer and moderately-skilled vegetable grower.


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