Arturo Ortiz Núñez

General Director Birth Group


Dad, husband, athlete and insideout branding expert. Extremely restless, fanatic expert of creative-strategic communication, who is passionate about advertising, endomarketing, employer branding, business and the value of ideas. Núñez studied publicity at UPAEP, the creativity workshop at the Flight Simulator, and got his master’s degree in Strategic Communication at BUAP. With more than 15 years of experience, he has worked for network and independent agencies, for transnational, national and local brands. He started as a creative in art direction, then became Creative Director, Creative General Director and finally, General Director at Birth, Insidout branding’s first strategic firm. Birth is a fast-growing firm, and the only agency in the country that is rated ESR and a Great Place to Work. He has developed exciting projects for brands such as: Flor de Caña, Rotoplas, Syngenta, Provident, La Morena, Samsung, Bridgestone, Walmart, Audi, Grupo Salinas, and for more than 400 other brands.

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