Driven by passion, but mostly by the passion-generators – this is how she calls people, Carina is a human-first creative leader.
She not only keeps the enthusiam she started off with 10 years ago, but also develops it through always wanting to be better than her last piece of work.
After 2 years in Planning and 4 in copywriting, she currently holds the Group Creative Director position at KUBIS, one of the largest independent agencies in Romania, where she oversees a team of 8 creatives, including a large portofolio of accounts.
Her work was acclaimed at several festivals, such as Eurobest, ADC*Europe, Effie and other local festivals, but she always waits for the next challenge.
Carina believes that creative excellence has a direct impact on business results and this is a mantra that leads her ideation process.
Please remember that you have until April 26 to upload and submit your entries to the 2025 WINA Festival.
When it comes to clients, ‘Effectiveness’ is the preferred category.