Carlos Blas Muñoz

Partner and Creative Director Exit - up


Partner and creative director. He took his first steps as a copy at the beginning of 2002 at the BSM creative agency in Valencia (Spain). Following the merger of BSM and AGR, he became part of the creative team at the Agr Machine agency. After a couple of years he created the agency Èxit-Up as a partner and creative director. He has worked for brands such as Grefusa, Mercadona, PSOE, Seguros Reale, Gobierno de Canarias, Caixa Popular, Bancaja, Plátano de Canarias, Amnesty International, Caixa Popular, El Ventero or Grupo IVI among many others. He has also won some awards at festivals such as CdeC, Laus, Wina, FePI, Agripina, La Lluna, ADCV or Alce, among others. He is a professor of “Digital Advertising” at the Brother Valencia international school of creativity.

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