Gustavo Dornelles

Strategy Director Wieden+Kennedy


Gustavo has 12+ years of experience in strategy and digital communication, currently Strategy Director at Wieden+Kennedy. Strategist, businessman and musician, he is into challenges that require solutions that connect culture, consumer experience and future trends. 
Even before entering an agency, he started his career as a digital designer for MySpace, a former music platform in which he developed tailored pages for local bands and artists. Not so long after that, he started his career in advertising at R/GA. In 2022 he assumed the position of Strategy Director at Wieden+Kennedy, leading the accounts of Ford and Old Spice for South America. Prior to Wieden, he worked at GREY, Africa DDB, Tribal Worldwide, Dentsucreative, and Nike, where he integrated the Digital Marketing team of Nike in Brazil during Brazil’s World Cup and Olympic Games.

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