With a career spanning 15 years and 70 awards, Gustavo Valdivieso isn’t just a marketing strategist, he’s a catalyst for brand success. He’s helped over 150 brands across diverse industries like beverages, pharmaceuticals, and corporate communication find their voice and connect with audiences. His entrepreneurial spirit shines through in Tourette Agency, a Bolivian high-voltage full-service agency he founded, and 9:16 Stock Guerrilla, a production company fueling the rise of impactful audiovisual content. Always exploring new horizons on his bike, pushing boundaries in games, and sharing laughter with his three children. With a heart for family and a head for innovation, he’s always ready for the next chapter.
Please remember that you have until April 26 to upload and submit your entries to the 2025 WINA Festival.
When it comes to clients, ‘Effectiveness’ is the preferred category.