I am a publicist with more than 25 years of career.
I specialize in brand and digital marketing strategies, creative campaigns, concepts, digital and btl actions and video direction and team management.
I have experience in different agencies such as Publicis, Quorum, Grey Perú, Causa, Mccann, AKM Btl, Nodos Digital, AdPerú and Webtilia.
I am the winner of national awards such as Apap and Effie Perú and international awards such as Fiap and Wina.
I live in an apartment like most Lima residents, but I dream of a house outside the city.
I am married, with two children and a dachshund who has become the boss of the house, now that my children are grown.
I like to talk about football, politics, philosophy, psychology and sociology.
I read a lot, I go for walks, I go to the gym irregularly and I enjoy Peruvian food like most Peruvians… and foreigners.
I have a Coaching project for Entrepreneurs in which I would like to help them exploit their creativity and strategic capacity for their businesses.
Please remember that you have until April 26 to upload and submit your entries to the 2025 WINA Festival.
When it comes to clients, ‘Effectiveness’ is the preferred category.