Witalij Jackiewicz

Creative Director PG Brand Reforming


My name is Witalij Jackiewicz, I am creative director at PG Brand Reforming, and due to my more than 15 years of experience in brand development and graphic design I have been recognized as expert-vetted by many clients. The last 11 years of my career have been invested in building — PG Brand Reforming. The result of that process was the creation of a strong and professional team, who from the very first day were driven to achieve excellent results. The last 3 years has seen PG Brand Reforming develop as a highly rated agency world wide. As an expert my branding experience and deep advertising background allowed me to become a judge at many local and international festivals, including: EFFIE, Red Apple, White Square, Lama Awards, Brand of the Year 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. In 2019 I served as a chairman of Brand of The Year contest. I also contribute as an independent speaker and industry expert on platforms such as Effie Awards, Red Apple, White Squarel and many others events. I lectured at ASBIRO Business School and NIMO Marketing School, I have the official accreditation of The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development as a brand consultant.

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